Monday, September 21, 2020

Guided Meditation with Thich Nhat Hanh

Mindfulness meditation suggestions

Walking meditation, with each step filling your lungs breathe in 'Yes' yes yes breathe out thank you thank you thank you, and feel the ground beneath your feet, with so much love for the earth.

When you are driving and you stop at a red light, see it as a moment of mindfulness, breathe in gratitude and breathe out with a smile 

When the phone rings, breathe in yes, breathe out thank you and mindfully walk to the phone to answer after the 3rd ring.
So you answer with peace.

Put your hand on your heart, and feel so much gratitude for your beating heart.

Be so grateful for your eyes, for all of the beautiful colours you can see, the beautiful sky and green foliage. Breathe in gratitude and breathe out with a smile.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Self Healing for Guilt and Non Self Forgiveness

Which one is bigger? The windscreen in your car? Or the rear view mirror?

This is an analogy for life. Glance in your rear view mirror to learn from your mistakes, acknowledge them, but don't dwell on them.

This is crazy because I woke up with all these thoughts this morning and had to write them down and pass them on to some friends. Then I started listening to this session with Master Co and it was all about the same thing!

Here are the notes and process that I'd woken up with, and I'd really recommend these amazing teachings and meditation by Master Co, to help you to move on and let go! 

Challenges in life are sent to teach us a lesson.

Until you learn the lesson and change your reaction or response, the chances are the same things will keep happening in your life.

My Dad always said "If you do what you always do, you'll get what you've always got."

If there is a situation that you keep complaining about and offloading to your friends about. Stop for a minute and evaluate, write it down.

What have you learnt from this situation? (E.g. Relationship X, Y, Z?)

Are there any patterns emerging?

Accept responsibility for your own actions in the situation.

What do you choose to do differently going forward?

"Where focus goes energy flows" Tony Robbins

If you work on letting go of the resentment , negative emotions, guilt etc.

You can focus your energy on moving forward and creating a happier future.

It's time to acknowledge, recognise and break the patterns!


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Qigong MOOD LIFTER- Shift that negative energy!

Are you having a bad mood emergency? Negative thoughts? Low energy? It only takes a few minutes of qigong to turn your energy around, feel refreshed and revitalized!

If you're not quite feeling your best try this gentle 15 minute Qigong session to help shake off a bad mood and re balance your energy! Before doing this exercise try and notice how you feel on a scale of 1 - 10, then do it again afterwards and notice how your energy has shifted.

My mum sent me this link, it's really lovely, and I feel much calmer after doing it!

At the end of the session she asks you to repeat 
"Today is the first day of the rest of my life"

I hope this video helps you shake it off and feel a little lighter!

Namaste x 

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Day 7 of the Master Co 7 day meditation challenge

Day 7
"Why is it that even watching a recorded version I can still feel the energy?" It's as simple as this, energy is projected to all of you and into the energy field of the earth. It's as if you upload something to the cloud, people can tap into it and download it. This energy is deposited into the flux field of the earth. 
Meditation starts at 35 minutes

Once you understand about energy and this life force, you'll realise we're swimming in it, that means all of us are in this gigantic ocean of energy and oneness. 
 This energy is so real it effects your health, relationship, finances and effects your spirituality.

These 7 days of meditation inches you in to have a deeper knowingness of this energy. 

After these sessions I hope you'll go and learn more about Pranic Healing, find your nearest center or read about it. It's completely changed my life and that's why I can't help but want the same for you.

Money, think about it this way you are a spiritual being, having a material and physical experience.
The spiritual being, the soul uses the body, the emotions and thoughts to move in the earthly life to learn lessons.

As long as you have a physical form you have to learn how to take care of your finances. The question is why? Because the physical form is able to function, exist, interact with earthly life by using resources. It just so happens that in this time in history, money is the means of exchange.

Now why am I sharing this with you? Because some people swing to one extreme and go on about money being bad and know bad people who use it to do hurt people. 
It's like justifying being broke. That's true some people do use it to do bad things. What has that got to do with me and you? Nothing. 

There are a lot of good people with a good heart using money correctly to change the world. 
Money in the hands of good people will change and transform the world.

 So in your case since you have the good heart, since you have the good intentions, why don't you become super prosperous so you can have the resources, so you can make that change? 

So for a lot of us is our thought forms, and negative stories we've been told growing up about rich people being bad. There are a lot of stories about good people who are rich, they just don't shout about it in the same way.

Let's take it one step further. A lot of you want to do more meditation. A lot of you want to spend more time with your family. A lot of you want to go to holy places. A lot of you have such a good heart, you think if I had more time I'd want to volunteer at the homeless shelter, or volunteer at the healing center. Or I really want to open up a healing center that can help so many people. 

Do you know the number one limiting factor for them manifesting those things?

Good intentions, with no resources is complete waste of time.

 I know that sounds harsh but it's true. Because having the right resources gives you the opportunity and the independence to do what you really want, what's really in your heart. 

Having the proper attitude along with the right resources, allows you to manifest the goodness within you.

And it just struck me really hard, because it makes sense. Money is your friend not your enemy. If you are on the spiritual path it allows you to go to holy places and help people in need. 

Affirmations are great, visualisations are great because they help create powerful thoughts that help push you in the right direction. But big fish eat small fish. Because when you reach breaking point, all the bad thoughts and negative stories creep in and start to self sabotage. And you loose certainty. Sounds familiar? I know because I've been there many times! When you start doubting yourself those thoughts suddenly say,  see I told you so... 

True? Not true? And yet even in the depression of the 1940's there were more millionaires that were made at that time. 

So the key here is to start with your consciousness because if your consciousness is defective then whatever we say or do it will be based on that programming. 

So the first thing we need to do here, is to first have the realisation that: 

Money is neutral, in the hands of good people, it can do a lot of good. In the hands of good people it can change the world. 

We also have to realise we have a lot of old programming, old negative emotions that can creep up at any given time. 

So we have to actively identify and disintegrate!

So that you can look at the possibilities and disintegrate old programming. 

So here's the plan, we are doing to do the meditation of twoin hearts again, and aim the hose squarely at those poverty conscious thought forms, limiting and hindering beliefs within us. We'll aim that hose, break it up, break it up, disintegrate it and flush it out.

Then we'll focus at the base of the spine because that's where a lot of those negative beliefs are stored. 

When you join a spiritual group, when you learn something new, when you're studying it, part of it feels familiar, you feel like you know this, you know why? Because you do. The lessons go with the soul, not with the body. The soul is learning, with it without the body. At night when you sleep the soul is learning. 

When the body sleeps the energy of the soul , part of it stays in the body to keep it alive, and part of it actually goes travelling in the energy world. Doing one of 2 things, doing service in the energy world, ministering other souls in need. 
2 when the body sleeps, many of us go to inner schools, learning from other teachers, saints, angelic beings in the energy world. That's why it's good to write things down in the morning. It's nothing to do with memory. It's your soul and brain have a temporary lack of communication. So the brain is not able to register all those impulses and information and data in the higher frequency. It's like you have an AM radio and your doing your best to register what's on FM. Make sense? Alright! 

Because the soul learns when the bodies awake and when the bodies asleep. So what you can do before you sleep is pray ' I the soul, want to serve as many as possible in the inner world'  or 'I'd like to learn lessons and I will remember it'
If you try this for 7 or 8 days you will notice a pattern and you will feel very much fulfilled.

That is also where you can get intuition, where to invest your money etc and that data can be priceless.

Whatever you sow you reap, 
Make sure you give 

I want to break a certain belief. And that's 'when you give, never expect anything back.' it's just like saying keep exhaling and don't expect to inhale. It's ridiculous. 

That's why the law of Kama says whatever you throw out will come back, and because of the law of attraction on its way back there is a multiplication effect.

Karma 1st law, whatever you sow you reap.

Law of attraction 2nd law. On its way back it will start to attract similar vibrations before it gets to you. 

The reason we have to give and share, money affection, if you don't give, there is no space to receive. You have to learn to give in order to create room to receive.

Now we are touching a nerve.
Book *Achieve the impossible- the golden lotus that transforms signs of prosperity and spiritual business management.

"When you get money like water, you have to give away money like water if you want it to flow. 
The moment you stop it starts to slow down. If you tide (give money to charity) you must also be willing to receive the divine blessings of prosperity. If you will not receive it your ability to give will be adversely affected. This goes against the law of cycles.
If you don't receive you will get depleted, you cannot just exhale without inhaling."

It is important: Learn to give, learn to receive. 
Allow it to come to you, be grateful, which allows you to give more. 

Now that I am being blessed with more it increases my capacity to give and share more, when that happens more and more, you have prosperity.

Poverty consciousness they don't want to give
The other way is the give you much and don't want to take anything in, what happens they burn out and go broke. 

The secret is balancing and Integrate it into out lives

When you have certainty that when I give and share, I will receive and be able to give more. 

The fact that you are listening to this, you are interested in the spiritual path, whatever we accumulated physically we cannot take with us. The key is before we leave our bodies when we give and share it's the spiritual way of disentanglement of the soul. Entanglement to material things leads to greed. Since we can't take it with us anyway the conversion program is the law of Kama. By giving away you can do good with it and the karma is mine.

Your inner strength comes from your spiritual practice.

If you have enjoyed these teachings and want to make a donation to Master Co here is the link ✨⭐🌟

Here is a link to the book that Master Co recommended

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Day 6 of the Master Co 7 day meditation challenge

Day 6 
Meditation starts at 24 minutes 
Yesterday it was emotional healing, today is all about physical healing. 
Prana or life force is the energy that permeates the entire universe, the body can use this to heal itself or maintain itself.
It effects healing in 2 ways, 1: your body's moving around, hearts pumping, bones growing and strengthening organs functioning. All that consumes fuel, that fuel comes from this current called prana or chi.
2: This very intangible spiritual current needs something to absorbe it and assimilate it. You have this interface, and a dense physical body, in order to receive this spiritual current, that interface is your energy body.

Your energy body consists of 3 things.
The energy center called chakras.
The wires that connect them called meridians.
As you know if you have current going through a wire it will produce an electromagnetic field. So that field that is generated, when this life force goes through your body this is called your aura.

It's not mystical, it's science. It's just that at the moment science doesn't have a reliable instrument to register and measure this life force. Eventually it will come, but a lot of us can feel it.

In Pranic healing you're taught how to scan it, some of you in deep meditation can see lights.
This so called prana, this life force is absorbed from the environment, your energy center or chakras absorb it and transport it to the necessary organs.

So the easiest way to understand is this. You have a physical body and physical organs. You have an energy body, you have energy organs. So these energy organs are the chakras. This comes from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel. 

There are actually more than 7 chakras, but when this was brought to the west by Theosophy study of God, they kept in mind simplicity and safety as a priority.
They are teaching something that's really far out, so they've made it easier to digest. 
As time goes by people start to understand these deeper spiritual teachings.
Acumpuncture points are basically chakras.
In Pranic healing we work with 11 chakras
In the Jewish kabbalistic system there are 10 plus a hidden one so they have 11. 
Hinduism there are others. So don't get fixated on 7. 

Here's the critical part. Once you understand you have these energy centres, if you feel love, you feel it in your chest, that's your heart chakra. Or if you break up with someone you feel heart break, it's not your physical heart that's broken. Or if you're very giving people describe you as having a big heart. If you're so giving and loving people say you've got a heart of gold. It's not refering to your physical heart. Your heart chakra has 2 colours, red and gold. The reason it's green on a chakra chart is because they're forcing it to represent the colours of the rainbow. But for people who can see energy they will see all the chakras are multicoloured. 

Energetically it does 2 things Psychologically and emotionally it gives you the ability to love. Physically it feeds energy to your heart respiratory thymus gland and circulatory system.
So all your energy centres have physical function and the majority also have psychological functions.

So when you come to healing you learn about the energy centres and the physical organs that they control. When the chakras function properly, it absorbes fresh life force and releasing the bi product or waste products, just like when you inhale, exhale. The chakras springs in both directions to take in fresh Prana, release old energy.

If this energy center cannot do it for some reason, if there is an injury, stress, bad health, anger, it blocks it so it cannot absorb the fresh energy properly or release the waste products. At some point it's stunted and cannot spin, that's what you call a blockage.
So healing, doesn't matter what tradition you use, the idea is to restore the spin of the chakras so the organ behind it will get the fresh Prana or life force that it needs. 

Practical techniques
11 chakras
Crown center: is like a plate on top of your head as the crown spins it brings energy down to your brain and pineal glan

One on the forehead, controls pineal gland and memory.

Aginal or brow center this is not actually your 3rd eye, that's higher just at the top of your brow at the bottom of your hairline. 

This is the centre of the brow is the CEO of all your chakras it controls the will and pituitary gland.

The throat centre controls the thyroid gland and ability to speak and creativity.

Heart centre respiratory, thymus gland,circulatory system.

The one below it between the ribs is the solar plexus, as the energy goes in it spreads to all the internal organs spleen liver and the centre. That gets blocked when you're angry and stressed and resentful. If this area is blocked because if negative emotion, the body doesn't heal. It nutralises a lot of the good habits that you do.  

When the solar plexus is clean it somehow has a cleansing effect. If something stresses you out you might feel nauseated, because that area controls your stomach.

The spleen center is where fresh life force comes in, if you spend time with people with very low energy, the spleen chakra is the one that gets blocked. Every depressed person has a blocked spleen center, and it's having difficulty absorbing fresh life force. So when you do Pranic healing we really focus on cleaning that one.

Naval center controls your intestines, elimination it's also where you hold energy.

Sex center is obviously for sexual pleasure and reproductive organs, and lower creativity. 

Base of the spine controls blood, bones, muscles body heat, cell growth and repair it's the centre for youthfulness. If you keep that one healthy and clean your body heals faster and you have a tendancy to look like your body's not ageing. When that guys blocked, you have no energy and things take longer to heal.

Last one behind belly button is the menming chakra, gate of life, kidneys, urinary system, blood pressure.

So there you can see when these energy centres are blocked the organs behind it start to suffer. Get rid of the block first then let the fresh energy in. All of the crazy things were doing here is to remove the blockages and let fresh energy in.  

Certain crystals generate certain energy. If you're dealing with negative people, wear purple, it's like a violet aura like a shield. If you wear a purple stone like amethyst on your chest as long as you clean it in salt water first, it breaks down the negative energy before it goes in and disintegrates it. 
Afterwards you have to clean it again in salt water, to discharge all the junk before you wear it again.

Visualising is a way of moving energy.
Breathing is a way of moving energy.
Physical movement is a way of moving energy.
Your will and intention, chanting is a way to move energy.

The question why do we always to the meditation of twin hearts? It's a powerful meditation that used to be a secret that's in many traditions. When the heart and crown are stimulated, you are now in the waterfall of massive amounts of spiritual energy.

When that energy is pouring down then we can channel that energy for emotional healing, like we did yesterday and today we are going to channel organ by organ for physical healing.

Tomorrow we will focus on prosperity healing, proper finances give you the ability to help and serve more people. And freedom to do what you want. So that's why we are going to do prosperity healing, also to ground you. 

I'd you're enjoy these teachings and meditations and would like to make a donation to Master Co here is the link ✨⭐🌟

Monday, June 8, 2020

Day 5 of the Master Co 7 day meditation challenge

Day 5: 
The energy body is more easily dirtied than the physical body. When you talk to someone and they are angry or upset, they splatter it all over you! 
If you do a little mediation everyday you'll notice you are a little calmer. You don't allow layers of crap to build up. And if they are, they don't stick very deep because you are constantly washing them off. 

Whatever is happening outside, good or bad, our response to it, is within our control if we own it.  In the end, if you wanted to, you have that power within you. 
For example if you're in the middle of a big argument, then all of a sudden your boss calls or someone shows up at your door and you quickly have to sort yourself out and say. "Hi, what can I do for you? How are you? Yes, I'm fine!" It shows that with enough of a compelling force, you can change your emotional mental state at the drop of a hat. 

You are in control of your emotions. The problem is we don't exercise it enough. 
The purpose of these meditations is to share spiritual teachings, to help make your life better. 

When everything is said and done, the question we all need to ask ourselves is "who am I?" 
And once you know the " I" creates movement by moving the body. Creates feelings by generating energy withing the astral body. Creates thoughts by generating energy in this machine called the mental body. And depending on the circumstances, we decide how you want to respond. That's step one.

Step two is this: what happen is you're already there. You've watched the news or something's happened. What is not good is that it consumes you so much that you cannot think clearly anymore. It becomes so stressful that everything else you need to do goes to one side. And you've lost control. By using mediation, you want to regain your power and take an energetic shower to flush this out of your system. Layer by layer, that way it doesn't build up. 

People often say "oh meditation I like this, how often should I do this?" 

Think about it like this, Most people shower at least once a day, for physical higine, to prevent build up. I do it 2-3 times a day because you can energetically charge water to also flush away dirty energy. 

You can put some salt and lavender oil and use it as a scrub. Lavender has 2 colours, blue and violet. Blue is calming and localising, pulling the energy close together. And violet raises the vibration. By the time you put the two in salt it erases a lot of stress energy.

By showering and washing away the dirty energy you create a vaccine for fresh energy to go in.

The energy body is more easily dirtied than the physical body. When you talk to someone and they are angry or upset, they splatter it all over you! 
If you do a little mediation everyday you'll notice you are a little calmer. You don't allow layers of crap to build up. And if they are, they don't stick very deep because you are constantly washing them off. 
It effects more of your emotions and your thoughts, because its like cleaning your windscreen, and allows you to see more clearly. 

In this session Master Co teaches you a technique to shift negative energy from your solar plexus. 

The quickest way is to change the energy in our chakras.
Basically what we are doing is rearranging the chakras so that we have the chakra pattern of somebody that is happy, loving and spiritually connected.
"It's the short cut, it's good for lazy People!" 

Other Recommend Oils for cleansing in your salt scrub, or diffuser or room spray: 

Tea tree, is green energy
Sage oil: has 3 colours green for cleansing , blue for calming  and violet for raising the vibration
Eucalyptus is orange energy, it's expelling if you have trapped energy in your body you can cleanse it.

To create a sprayer you can mix 20-30 drops of your oil with rubbing alcohol or vodka in a spray bottle to cleanse the air and your environment. These are some ways to keep energetically clean.

Here's a question for you; How important is the quality of the water in an aquarium, to the health of the fish? 
Answer; super important!
The energy around us that we soak in is our aquarium. So you might be clean energetically, but if your environment is constantly dirty, you are constantly having to pick yourself up, so it's good to clean your environmental also.

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Day 4 of the Master Co 7 day meditation challenge

Day 4: The key to Meditation is balancing your yin and Yang energy. Yang is using your will, putting attention. Meditation is using your awareness and your heart, one is projecting and one is recieving. When you chant you use your will.
Listening is awareness, talking is consentrating.

The secret is to have both stillness and talking. The purpose of talking and guided meditation is to gently use the will, and move it to a certain direction. As you focus you're using your attention to follow it, simultaneously the energy is flowing through you, clearing out the stressful energy and negative emotions. Your heart's getting activated. So by the time we stop talking, your heart and crown are more open and you are there. You can let go, and let the data come to you. So by talking first to clean things out, it's more effective. 

In this meditation we use our fire hose of energy to send healing love to all the areas of the world and to the people who are in distress. By doing this we are connecting with the universal light and collectively by doing this we can make a difference.

Tomorrow's session is about healing ourselves and the day after is about healing our finances. The more we have the more we can give, the more people we can help and the bigger impact we can have, it's all about balance. 
At the end of the session Master Co asks that you write down all of your goals and aspirations, better health, better relationships or a project you're working on. Whatever your wishes are, or areas of your life that you would like to direct energy too. 
In order for them to materialise it needs energy, on order for it to physicalise it needs to hit a certain break point where there's so much energy and certain components are present that it manifests. Every time you meditate your aura expands masively with so much energy flowing through, after you are done you can focus your energy on blessing your protects. So write it down and have it ready to send your energy to in coming sessions.