Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Day 6 of the Master Co 7 day meditation challenge

Day 6 
Meditation starts at 24 minutes 
Yesterday it was emotional healing, today is all about physical healing. 
Prana or life force is the energy that permeates the entire universe, the body can use this to heal itself or maintain itself.
It effects healing in 2 ways, 1: your body's moving around, hearts pumping, bones growing and strengthening organs functioning. All that consumes fuel, that fuel comes from this current called prana or chi.
2: This very intangible spiritual current needs something to absorbe it and assimilate it. You have this interface, and a dense physical body, in order to receive this spiritual current, that interface is your energy body.

Your energy body consists of 3 things.
The energy center called chakras.
The wires that connect them called meridians.
As you know if you have current going through a wire it will produce an electromagnetic field. So that field that is generated, when this life force goes through your body this is called your aura.

It's not mystical, it's science. It's just that at the moment science doesn't have a reliable instrument to register and measure this life force. Eventually it will come, but a lot of us can feel it.

In Pranic healing you're taught how to scan it, some of you in deep meditation can see lights.
This so called prana, this life force is absorbed from the environment, your energy center or chakras absorb it and transport it to the necessary organs.

So the easiest way to understand is this. You have a physical body and physical organs. You have an energy body, you have energy organs. So these energy organs are the chakras. This comes from the Sanskrit word meaning wheel. 

There are actually more than 7 chakras, but when this was brought to the west by Theosophy study of God, they kept in mind simplicity and safety as a priority.
They are teaching something that's really far out, so they've made it easier to digest. 
As time goes by people start to understand these deeper spiritual teachings.
Acumpuncture points are basically chakras.
In Pranic healing we work with 11 chakras
In the Jewish kabbalistic system there are 10 plus a hidden one so they have 11. 
Hinduism there are others. So don't get fixated on 7. 

Here's the critical part. Once you understand you have these energy centres, if you feel love, you feel it in your chest, that's your heart chakra. Or if you break up with someone you feel heart break, it's not your physical heart that's broken. Or if you're very giving people describe you as having a big heart. If you're so giving and loving people say you've got a heart of gold. It's not refering to your physical heart. Your heart chakra has 2 colours, red and gold. The reason it's green on a chakra chart is because they're forcing it to represent the colours of the rainbow. But for people who can see energy they will see all the chakras are multicoloured. 

Energetically it does 2 things Psychologically and emotionally it gives you the ability to love. Physically it feeds energy to your heart respiratory thymus gland and circulatory system.
So all your energy centres have physical function and the majority also have psychological functions.

So when you come to healing you learn about the energy centres and the physical organs that they control. When the chakras function properly, it absorbes fresh life force and releasing the bi product or waste products, just like when you inhale, exhale. The chakras springs in both directions to take in fresh Prana, release old energy.

If this energy center cannot do it for some reason, if there is an injury, stress, bad health, anger, it blocks it so it cannot absorb the fresh energy properly or release the waste products. At some point it's stunted and cannot spin, that's what you call a blockage.
So healing, doesn't matter what tradition you use, the idea is to restore the spin of the chakras so the organ behind it will get the fresh Prana or life force that it needs. 

Practical techniques
11 chakras
Crown center: is like a plate on top of your head as the crown spins it brings energy down to your brain and pineal glan

One on the forehead, controls pineal gland and memory.

Aginal or brow center this is not actually your 3rd eye, that's higher just at the top of your brow at the bottom of your hairline. 

This is the centre of the brow is the CEO of all your chakras it controls the will and pituitary gland.

The throat centre controls the thyroid gland and ability to speak and creativity.

Heart centre respiratory, thymus gland,circulatory system.

The one below it between the ribs is the solar plexus, as the energy goes in it spreads to all the internal organs spleen liver and the centre. That gets blocked when you're angry and stressed and resentful. If this area is blocked because if negative emotion, the body doesn't heal. It nutralises a lot of the good habits that you do.  

When the solar plexus is clean it somehow has a cleansing effect. If something stresses you out you might feel nauseated, because that area controls your stomach.

The spleen center is where fresh life force comes in, if you spend time with people with very low energy, the spleen chakra is the one that gets blocked. Every depressed person has a blocked spleen center, and it's having difficulty absorbing fresh life force. So when you do Pranic healing we really focus on cleaning that one.

Naval center controls your intestines, elimination it's also where you hold energy.

Sex center is obviously for sexual pleasure and reproductive organs, and lower creativity. 

Base of the spine controls blood, bones, muscles body heat, cell growth and repair it's the centre for youthfulness. If you keep that one healthy and clean your body heals faster and you have a tendancy to look like your body's not ageing. When that guys blocked, you have no energy and things take longer to heal.

Last one behind belly button is the menming chakra, gate of life, kidneys, urinary system, blood pressure.

So there you can see when these energy centres are blocked the organs behind it start to suffer. Get rid of the block first then let the fresh energy in. All of the crazy things were doing here is to remove the blockages and let fresh energy in.  

Certain crystals generate certain energy. If you're dealing with negative people, wear purple, it's like a violet aura like a shield. If you wear a purple stone like amethyst on your chest as long as you clean it in salt water first, it breaks down the negative energy before it goes in and disintegrates it. 
Afterwards you have to clean it again in salt water, to discharge all the junk before you wear it again.

Visualising is a way of moving energy.
Breathing is a way of moving energy.
Physical movement is a way of moving energy.
Your will and intention, chanting is a way to move energy.

The question why do we always to the meditation of twin hearts? It's a powerful meditation that used to be a secret that's in many traditions. When the heart and crown are stimulated, you are now in the waterfall of massive amounts of spiritual energy.

When that energy is pouring down then we can channel that energy for emotional healing, like we did yesterday and today we are going to channel organ by organ for physical healing.

Tomorrow we will focus on prosperity healing, proper finances give you the ability to help and serve more people. And freedom to do what you want. So that's why we are going to do prosperity healing, also to ground you. 

I'd you're enjoy these teachings and meditations and would like to make a donation to Master Co here is the link https://pranichealing.com/make-a-donation ✨⭐🌟

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