Monday, June 8, 2020

Day 5 of the Master Co 7 day meditation challenge

Day 5: 
The energy body is more easily dirtied than the physical body. When you talk to someone and they are angry or upset, they splatter it all over you! 
If you do a little mediation everyday you'll notice you are a little calmer. You don't allow layers of crap to build up. And if they are, they don't stick very deep because you are constantly washing them off. 

Whatever is happening outside, good or bad, our response to it, is within our control if we own it.  In the end, if you wanted to, you have that power within you. 
For example if you're in the middle of a big argument, then all of a sudden your boss calls or someone shows up at your door and you quickly have to sort yourself out and say. "Hi, what can I do for you? How are you? Yes, I'm fine!" It shows that with enough of a compelling force, you can change your emotional mental state at the drop of a hat. 

You are in control of your emotions. The problem is we don't exercise it enough. 
The purpose of these meditations is to share spiritual teachings, to help make your life better. 

When everything is said and done, the question we all need to ask ourselves is "who am I?" 
And once you know the " I" creates movement by moving the body. Creates feelings by generating energy withing the astral body. Creates thoughts by generating energy in this machine called the mental body. And depending on the circumstances, we decide how you want to respond. That's step one.

Step two is this: what happen is you're already there. You've watched the news or something's happened. What is not good is that it consumes you so much that you cannot think clearly anymore. It becomes so stressful that everything else you need to do goes to one side. And you've lost control. By using mediation, you want to regain your power and take an energetic shower to flush this out of your system. Layer by layer, that way it doesn't build up. 

People often say "oh meditation I like this, how often should I do this?" 

Think about it like this, Most people shower at least once a day, for physical higine, to prevent build up. I do it 2-3 times a day because you can energetically charge water to also flush away dirty energy. 

You can put some salt and lavender oil and use it as a scrub. Lavender has 2 colours, blue and violet. Blue is calming and localising, pulling the energy close together. And violet raises the vibration. By the time you put the two in salt it erases a lot of stress energy.

By showering and washing away the dirty energy you create a vaccine for fresh energy to go in.

The energy body is more easily dirtied than the physical body. When you talk to someone and they are angry or upset, they splatter it all over you! 
If you do a little mediation everyday you'll notice you are a little calmer. You don't allow layers of crap to build up. And if they are, they don't stick very deep because you are constantly washing them off. 
It effects more of your emotions and your thoughts, because its like cleaning your windscreen, and allows you to see more clearly. 

In this session Master Co teaches you a technique to shift negative energy from your solar plexus. 

The quickest way is to change the energy in our chakras.
Basically what we are doing is rearranging the chakras so that we have the chakra pattern of somebody that is happy, loving and spiritually connected.
"It's the short cut, it's good for lazy People!" 

Other Recommend Oils for cleansing in your salt scrub, or diffuser or room spray: 

Tea tree, is green energy
Sage oil: has 3 colours green for cleansing , blue for calming  and violet for raising the vibration
Eucalyptus is orange energy, it's expelling if you have trapped energy in your body you can cleanse it.

To create a sprayer you can mix 20-30 drops of your oil with rubbing alcohol or vodka in a spray bottle to cleanse the air and your environment. These are some ways to keep energetically clean.

Here's a question for you; How important is the quality of the water in an aquarium, to the health of the fish? 
Answer; super important!
The energy around us that we soak in is our aquarium. So you might be clean energetically, but if your environment is constantly dirty, you are constantly having to pick yourself up, so it's good to clean your environmental also.

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