Monday, September 21, 2020

Guided Meditation with Thich Nhat Hanh

Mindfulness meditation suggestions

Walking meditation, with each step filling your lungs breathe in 'Yes' yes yes breathe out thank you thank you thank you, and feel the ground beneath your feet, with so much love for the earth.

When you are driving and you stop at a red light, see it as a moment of mindfulness, breathe in gratitude and breathe out with a smile 

When the phone rings, breathe in yes, breathe out thank you and mindfully walk to the phone to answer after the 3rd ring.
So you answer with peace.

Put your hand on your heart, and feel so much gratitude for your beating heart.

Be so grateful for your eyes, for all of the beautiful colours you can see, the beautiful sky and green foliage. Breathe in gratitude and breathe out with a smile.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Self Healing for Guilt and Non Self Forgiveness

Which one is bigger? The windscreen in your car? Or the rear view mirror?

This is an analogy for life. Glance in your rear view mirror to learn from your mistakes, acknowledge them, but don't dwell on them.

This is crazy because I woke up with all these thoughts this morning and had to write them down and pass them on to some friends. Then I started listening to this session with Master Co and it was all about the same thing!

Here are the notes and process that I'd woken up with, and I'd really recommend these amazing teachings and meditation by Master Co, to help you to move on and let go! 

Challenges in life are sent to teach us a lesson.

Until you learn the lesson and change your reaction or response, the chances are the same things will keep happening in your life.

My Dad always said "If you do what you always do, you'll get what you've always got."

If there is a situation that you keep complaining about and offloading to your friends about. Stop for a minute and evaluate, write it down.

What have you learnt from this situation? (E.g. Relationship X, Y, Z?)

Are there any patterns emerging?

Accept responsibility for your own actions in the situation.

What do you choose to do differently going forward?

"Where focus goes energy flows" Tony Robbins

If you work on letting go of the resentment , negative emotions, guilt etc.

You can focus your energy on moving forward and creating a happier future.

It's time to acknowledge, recognise and break the patterns!
