"It's not enough that a person meditates a person needs to be an instrument to do good. As we try to improve ourselves and learn these deeper spiritual teachings then we can be more powerful vessels to serve others."
The good news is we can do our part and keep making adjustments in the energy world and in the process of adjusting that energy world, we are also transforming ourselves to be better people. Inner changes cause outer changes
1: the world is going through some challenging times so it's our job to be strong, focused, loving and intelligent, to step up and do what you think is right.
2: Realise that everything is subject to change, the law of change the law of cycles the law of consequence, known as Karma, what goes around comes around.
The law of karma is like gravity, there are certain rules and principles that make it tick. Karma if you understand the mechanism and principles you can harness it.
The law is governed by the golden rules, the negative side and positive side, do and don't,
Proactive doing something.
Karma is a spiritual technology to create and navigate our future, what ever we put out will come back to you.
What you give out, you will get back.
What do you want?
What don't you want?
We reap what we sow.
Be generous and giving, that's how you turn the tide.
Transmutation effect, it has the ability to transmute lower energy to higher energies to turn a bad situation into a better one. In the middle ages that was called Alchemy turning base metals into gold.
If you are with someone who is always angry and upset it feels heavy, when you're with someone whos loving and giving you feel love, nurtured, uplifted.
If you look at someone who's always angry and upset, their energy looks greyish like lead, energetically it feels heavy.
Statues in temples and churches are painted in gold to depict the colour of the aura once someone has practiced unconditional love.
The law of karma is a technology to transmute what is negative in our lives for something better. That is why we use the
prayer of St. Francis of Assisi: it has transmutation power.
"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.
"O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled, as to console; to be understood, as to understand; to be loved, as to love; for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life." Amen.
The law of opposites, the law of attraction is a cosmic boomerang, it will attract certain frequencies into your life.
By doing bad things, you are creating mysery for your future.
As we do this meditation the energy cleanses and transforms the negative energy inside us.
Hopefully by doing this we can encourage a wake up call for these people who are acting from their lower selves, sometimes it just needs a little spark to make it happen.
Your behaviour effects your energy.
Your energy changes your behaviour.
Anyone who you might be having problems with, flood them with pink and gold energy.
We can all do our part, inner changes cause outer changes. Try to keep making ajustments in the energy world and in the process of adjusting that energy world, we are also transforming ourselves to be better people. Inner changes cause outer changes.
It's not enough that a person meditates, a person needs to be an instrument to do good. As we try to improve ourselves and learn these deeper spiritual teachings then we can be more powerful vessels to serve others."
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