Saturday, February 8, 2020

PSTEC Negative - The Belief Eraser

I met Tim in about 2015 in Barnard Castle where I grew up, in our local recording studio. (I used to sing and write songs back in the day!) One day I was in there recording a song, I hadn't sang or performed for about 10 years so was feeling really anxious and couldn't relax in the recording booth. So Tim said would you like a bit of Hypnosis or would you like to try one of these click tracks? I said well hypnosis seems a bit extreme! But what's this click track?

So he handed me his phone and headphones, and said it'll only take 5-10 minutes, just listen to this. So I put the headphones on, closed my eyes and listened to the click track. I had to do a tapping rhythm with each hand as I heard a particular tone, whilst focusing on the emotion and listening to his voice talk me through the process. I had to rate how I felt at the beginning from 1-10 and then again at the end. It was quite hard to stay focused on the emotion whilst multitasking with all the tapping and listening, but that's the point!

Afterwards I felt so calm I just went back into the studio and sang! It was amazing, I felt complete relief!
Tim explained that the process re programmed the synaptic connection in your brain to that emotion or memory or fear that causes you distress. Honestly it was incredible!

The next day in my studio, it was the lead up to Christmas so a crazy time of year for me, and I had loads of orders to make. (I'm a jewellery designer and goldsmith!) Usually I would feel so stressed, I would feel really tight across my chest and would notice I was holding my breath, rushing around finding it really hard to focus. But this felt different, today I was calm, I was working efficiently, breathing normally and getting things done with ease! It was unbelievable! I was just gliding around the studio and got everything done without any stress at all!!!!!

I suddenly realised that for years I'd actually been suffering with pretty intense anxiety and all of a sudden I experienced life without it!!!!! I was so excited I rang round my family and sent links to my friends to tell them all about it and to try it!

After that I went home and made a list of all of the negative junk from the past that I wanted to get rid of, resentments, anger, stories that would play on repeat in my mind that would make me feel really mad. Things from past relationships that were upsetting me and holding me back. Preventing me from moving on and healing!

And one by one I worked through them. Some things needed to be worked on a couple of times, looking at them from different angles or perspectives. And after each one I felt so much lighter! I felt free, it impacted areas of my life that I hadn't even realised were being effected.

I was so excited because for years I've tried so many processes and techniques for self help and non of them worked so quickly and easily! It was absolutely amazing!

Every therapy, tool and technique has helped me in different ways, but this one I cannot recommend enough!

Don't be put off by the look of the website, or the amount of clicks you'll make before you download the track, because the content is incredible and the best bit is that it's free for personal use! Therapists have to pay but we can just use it for free! I've shared this with so many friends and family, and they've used it to over come anxiety, fear of flying, stop smoking, all kinds! Try it go for it! Let me know how you get on?       

here's the link you never know it just might work for you too!

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